Fastest Growing County In The Nation
74% Of Residents Are Irrelegious Or Non-Christian
125+ People Currently Attending The Bridge Live In Lumpkin County
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County Population: 34,796
18,219 UNG Students
64,258 People Live Within 12 Miles Of The New Campus
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What Will It Take?

PRAYER: “God, help us to see the people of Lumpkin County & the opportunity in Dahlonega through your eyes. Draw our attention to what specifically breaks your heart & what you would have us to do. As we stretch our faith in your to seize this moment, provide the people & resources needed to stretch our tent to make more room for others (Isaiah 54:2-3).

LEADERS: Identify & equip evangelistic staff members, ministry leaders & teams who make reaching & engaging people who are unsaved, unchurched, & ‘done with church’ the focus.

COMMUNITY ENGAGMENT: Foster relationships with community leaders, non-profits, churches, schools, University of North Georgia, & other key influencers.

OUTREACH: Participate in community events, give generously & serve regularly with local non-profit & community care organizations.

PRE-LAUNCH OPPORTUNITIES: Offer preview services, gathering & small groups at the Dahlonega campus for local residents who are unsaved, unchurched, ‘done with church’ or interested in being part of a new church like ours in their community.

INVITE friends & family members who live in Lumpkin County to attend a pre-launch service, gathering, or group.

INVITE someone to serve together with you on a Dahlonega Campus ministry team.

TELL people within your influence what we are doing & encourage them to get involved.

COMMIT to giving generously & consistently for the next year (July 2023 -July 2024) above & beyond your current normal giving.

JOIN a Dahlonega Campus ministry team.

VOLUNTEER for the community outreach events that are being scheduled to take place in Dahlonega.