weekly services

Sunday Morning Main Service

Sundays at 9am & 11am

El Puente

Nexus Student Ministries

sundays at 10am

Wednesdays At 6:30pm

Upcoming Events

Fall Festival

Be Rich

Operation Christmas Child

Nexus Students 24HR Lock-In

october 31 at 6:00pm


Big Give - OCtober 20

october 10 At 8am - october 11 at 8am

Pick up your boxes in the lobby to fill and return by November 10.

click here to Fill A shoebox online

Celebration Service - November 3

Be rich

Dear Bridge Church Friends & Family –

I am constantly amazed at the financial generosity and level of community care that have become defining characteristics of The Bridge. Those who give generously and faithfully enable us to provide much needed assistance to numerous individuals and families in need, and to host incredible community events that reach thousands of people, such as the annual Back-To-School Bash--where 500+ backpacks with school supplies and meals were given away--and our upcoming annual Fall Festival on October 31.

Also, for nearly a decade we have partnered with dozens of local non-profit organizations that are serving our community by providing financial support and volunteers through our annual Be Rich campaign. The celebration service at the end of the Be Rich campaign has been one of the highlights of each year, as representatives of each organization are given a check and an opportunity to enlist volunteers from among our Bridge Church family who serve once, a few times, or even regularly throughout the year.

Be Rich is coming up October 20 – November 3. Our “Big Give Sunday” will be October 20. Our hope is that beginning on Sunday, October 20, and running through Saturday, October 26, 100% of our Bridge Church friends and family will give as generously as possible, because we are committed to giving away 100% of what we receive! That’s right. Unless you specifically instruct us to do otherwise, every penny that we receive that entire week will be distributed to the local organizations that we have vetted and decided to partner with because of their good stewardship and impact they are making in our community.

Since 2017, we have given over $357,000 to local partners through Be Rich. (This is in addition to the $526,505 that was given to missionaries and global partners over the same period.) Our record giving for Be Rich was set in 2022 at $72,471.73 and was distributed among 22 organizations. This year, let's set a new record!

As proud as I am for all that is given during Be Rich, it is the regular, faithful, disciplined, and sacrificial giving that so many of you practice throughout the year that I am most grateful for. Without that, The Bridge Church would be a much different place, and making a much smaller impact for Christ in our community and the world. Without you who give a percentage of your income (many above and beyond the Biblical “tithe” of 10%), much of what we have done for the cause of Christ, and the expressions of love and care we have become known for, would have likely not been possible.

If you attend The Bridge and consider it your “church home” but do not give financially or only do so occasionally, just imagine the greater impact that could be made in the name of Jesus and for his fame, his mission, and his kingdom if you became a regular, consistent, percentage giver! Be Rich is a great time to jump in, knowing that 100% of what you give on that day will be going out to help people in our community.

Let's Be Rich.

Patrick Ballington

Command [those who are rich in this present world] to do good, to
BE RICH in good deeds, and to be generous and willing to share. In this way they will lay up treasure for themselves as a firm foundation for the coming age, so that they may take hold of the life that is truly life.
1 Timothy 6:18-19