Summer camp at the bridge

Summer Camp at The Bridge is going to be an amazing experience for kids in our community. Our leadership staff has carefully planned out activities for not only a fun week, but one that is very meaningful and impactful for each child who attends.

This high energy camp is staffed with volunteers who have a passion to work with children. Campers are divided into tribes consisting of 15-20 kids in the same age/grade level. Tribes will rotate activities throughout the day and will come together for the large group sessions.

camp store

camp tribes

Register Today

Friday - 8am to 12pm

There are no early drop-off times available. If you need to pick up your camper early, please make sure you do so before 4:30 PM.

drop off - 7:30am

Pick Up & Drop Off Times

pick up - 5pm

kindergarden & 1st

2nd & 3rd

4th & 5th

middle school